Institute of Design new story, identity and visual system by COLLINS

In advance of their 85th anniversary, the prestigious Institute of Design in Chicago wanted to reimagine its long-held beliefs about its practice. To pursue this vision, ID invited COLLINS to create a new story, identity and visual system that helps transform what design means to them. The reimagination spans every facet of the school, including:

  • A comprehensive new brand story based on the idea of The Evolutionary: a departure from the “revolutionaries” using design to purely disrupt the status quo in favor of more “evolutionaries” — people who can design intelligent answers to today’s complexities that also create paths to better tomorrows
  • New visual identity
  • Custom dynamic typeface and motion graphics


  • COLLINS: Joseph Han, Sanuk Kim, Jing Qi Fan, Eric Park, Tom Elia, Janet Ginsburg, Alex Blumfelder, Alex Athanasiou
  • Typeface Design: Joseph Han, Sanuk Kim, Jing Qi Fan, Ryan Bugden
  • Nucleus: Chelsea Carlson, Gena Cuba, Elizabeth Talerman
  • Microsite Development: Raphaël Améaume
  • Website: Self Aware
  • Photography: Mari Juliano, Celso Assunção
  • Institute of Design: Anijo Mathew, Kristin Gecan, Denis Weil, Ruth Schmidt, Judd Morgenstern, Matt Mayfield, Brandon Kinports, Arnold Fishman

For more information make sure to check out the full case study at COLLINS website.