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Dark Grace — 3D Noise Simulation

3d art

Flaré ✦ has shared a stunning series of personal experiments meanwhile exploring with Houdini in combination with Cinema 4D rendered in Octane. I just love the results, they look so organic, detailed and the black color makes it so authentic.


Type Experiments with Huston Wilson


Huston Wilson is a letterer and a designer who shares a very cool type experiment I thought would be great for abdz. For these experiments, Huston was playing with color, texture, shadows, and line work. The overall result is playful, outstanding and totally gives its uniqueness.


Clarus Via Motion Design

motion design

Anxo Vizcaíno shared a 3D and motion design project titled Clarus Via. Clarus (latin for light, clear) Via (latin for way, path) is a short story about light, an exploration of its behaviors and its capacity to create space and time. It's also about being born, exploring, understanding and finding.


Digital Stack Branding and Visual Identity


Motherbird shared a branding and visual identity for Digital Stack, a leading marketing and brand management platform for franchise and multi-location businesses, Digital Stack has undergone a transformative evolution and growth of their services and audiences.


Concrete Dream Surreal Scenes in 3D


Concrete Dream is a series of 3D surreal scenes inspired from real world concrete structure combined with Link Lee daydream. Using Cinema 4D, Lee creates compositions that mix reminds me of the Monument Valley game, which makes me think that a photorealistic version of that game would be incredible.


SKYLINES Digital Art

digital art

We have  featured RETOKA . several times here but they always share something new and with a touch of uniqueness with a sense of experimentation. This latest project called SKYLINES - Hong Kong mixes photos with some glitches and effects that  create a digital type of look, cyberpunk.


Nothingness: Eerie 3D Art


Nothingness is the titled of a new set of beautiful but also eerie 3D images created and shared by Murat Yıldırım. The images have a photorealistic style, which made me think they were photos, until I saw the floating boats one. The color, the mood, everything is super inspiring. The 3D software used was Maxon Cinema 4D.


Merino — Branding and Packaging Design


Ngoc Dang shared a branding and packaging design for Merino, a wool brand imported from Australia, with a soft texture and excellent warmth retention. The wool can be lightly water-resistant, not ruffled after many uses.​

a wool brand with imported feels


True North Elegant Brand and Visual Identity


True North is a company designed to help guide potential investors through the property market, based in various geographic locations. They offer professional, unbiased advice, bolstered by complete transparency following an open-book approach. Your interest is True North’s priority and the main goal of their work.


Iconic Fashion Forms into Floral Patterns


Raku Inoue is easily the most creative person that I have ever had the chance to meet and hung out on various occasions. Currently based in Montreal, QC (Canada), Raku Inoue is a Japanese artist with numerous creative abilities.


Octi App — Create your own digital world


With the rising topic on crypto and Metaverse, soon enough there will be a revolution in how we see the world and how we interact with it. Slava Kornilov, a creative director from Geex Arts shared a fascinating project which is an app titled 'Octi'. An app where 'Octi' rules as a social platform where you create your own digital world, create videos and earn coins. Yes, coins!


Reykjavik Typeface by Maria Horowska


Maria Horowska is a typeface designer and she shared this lovely typeface titled 'Reykjavik' — which is an homage to modern architectural architecture in Reykjavík. Having visited this city in the past, you can never forget the true combination of nature, mountains and obviously the sublime architecture.


Branding and Visual Identity for madre natura


madre natura is a contemporary Australian fashion design house. The name translates to ‘Mother Nature’ in Italian. madre natura believes that respect for the environment is equally as important as respect for ourselves. This guides the label with every decision they make and aligns them with their values: Sustainable, Ethical, Circular and Slow-Fashion.


3D modular sculptures in imagined spaces


Antian Imeri shared a collection of 3D compositions created as personal projects exploring recent thoughts through modular sculptures in imagined spaces. The tools used for this project were Maxon Cinema 4D, Octane Render as well as Adobe Substance 3D Designer and Photoshop.


Beautiful Industrial Design for KUR!O Modular Shelving System

industrial design

Markus Hofko shared an amazing industrial design project for a modular shelving system called KUR!O. The product is still in development but the idea is quite simple, you can create different configurations with a limited amount of pieces and that’s the beauty of the whole thing, the simplicity and beautiful colors.