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Delicious Ramen Illustrations by Stephan Lorse


Ramen. You may be addicted to it, have tried it, or simply heard of it... come on it's 2021, and pretty sure everyone knows about ramen, the highest and most important meal from Japan but every country has its own interpretation of this delicious noodles bowl. Same in design, everyone has their own take on it whatever it is photography, 3D design, or even typography.


Lockdown Typography by Nishit Shah15


With the new year, the lockdown is still a topic on every mouth, stay home they say, keep distance they ask, and wear your mask they required. But once your home thing we take for granted are things you depend on, seeing your loved ones, giving a hug or kisses.


Hook Adjustable Light - Industrial Design

industrial design

Huisu Jo shared an industrial design project that would solve one of the biggest issues I have today with working from home, light or the correct lighting for video-conference. 'Hook' allows people to adjust the position of the lights they need according to the situation. 


Happy New Year!


It’s hard to describe the past year. Perhaps the best definition is the word change, closely followed by anxiety. The pandemic has changed lives forever. People have lost loved ones, that cannot be diminished or taken lightly. People lost jobs, businesses shuttered overnight, families had to adapt to a new routine of having their kids being home-schooled.


Typorigami Calendar 2021 by De-form.hu

graphic design

De-form.hu shared an incredible printed calendar for 2021 titled Typorigami Calendar 2021. The name says it all, it mixes typography and origami. De-form designers shared a bit of the motivation behind the design saying that this year all of us have struggled a lot with Covid-19.


Santi Zoraidez - New Normality Reel


Santi Zoraidez shared a collection of his best 3D work done in 2020. I am personally a fan of his incredible designs. I actually try to recreate some of them to learn 3D. Disclaimer, they never look even closer to his. That’s why I really love to feature any update from Santi.


Art Deco Night Series by Ann-Sophie De Steur

art deco

The future of art is based on the past but with much more accessible and innovative tools near hand to achieve what we aim but sometimes that innovation is hard to bring back the past. Stumbled across her night series, Ann-Sophie De Steur's artworks nostalgically thrust you in the face.


My Favorite Reads of 2020


This year was a difficult one. It was a massive change in every aspect of our lives. I am also very deeply saddened for everyone that lost someone due to this implacable virus. It’s hard to even put into words my feelings. For me, anxiety is the definition of 2020.


Impero's Bold Identity Rebrand and Site


Recently Impero has unveiled a new and fresh rebrand of their visual identity and web experience. Released near the end of 2020, we are welcomed with a refresh that is bold in typography and seduced by a vibrant accent color.


Fashion Illustrations 2020 by Alex Tang


The fashion industry is one of the hardest industry, to keep up on-trend, clothes creation and demand, and always to be 'avant-garde'. There's so much work involved from the beginning to the end of each piece of clothing or collection. It always starts with an idea, sketches it out, and throwing in changes.


Paper Olympics Athletes by Raya Sader Bujana


This is the time of the year, all the super athletes from around the world sprint to the mega world organization, the Olympics. An event that creates competition, teamwork, and years of testing their body to the max for that day. Now with the pandemic, the World is on standby and no one is exempt from it, even those athletes that bet everything they have for this day.